The YAA Committee


Members of the YAA's Committee perform the necessary executive functions of the YAA and vote on issues affecting archery in Yorkshire. Each Committee member is elected at a General Meeting of the YAA, and any YAA member can stand for election or vote for candidates at a General Meeting. Each Committee member is elected for two years, after which the member may choose to stand for re-election.

Here is the current Committee:

President and Target Tournament OrganiserAndrew Neal
Vice PresidentChristine Heap
Vice PresidentDave Phillips
ChairGwen Smith
SecretaryYvonne Dyal
Treasurer and Vice ChairRichard Ford
Coaching OrganiserThomas Keane
Public Relations OfficerDeborah Waterhouse
Clout Officer - VACANT -
Field OfficerColin Fairburn
Juniors OfficerHelen Woodcock
Judge Liaison Officer (SPOC)Allan Shuker
County Teams CoordinatorJeanine Williams
General Committee Linton Austen
Darren Clarkson (Deputy Safeguarding Officer)
Sarah Dickenson
Judith Ford
Mick Groves
Mark Hayes
Carole Reaney
Marina Rose
William Ruddick
Kevin Schofield
David Shaw
Danny Walsh
Safeguarding Officer (non-Committee)Sara Westlake

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