Juniors news

Yorkshire Junior Indoor Postal League - March results and final standings

Helen Woodcock - 30 April 2024

The March 2024 results of the Junior Archers Postal League have been published:
 YAA Junior Indoor results March 2024 (PDF)

Here are the final standings for winter 2023-2024, based on each archer's three best rounds:
 YAA Junior Indoor League final standings 2023-2024 (PDF)

For all those in the top 3 of their category in the final results, certificates will be given to club representatives at the YAA Outdoor Championships for awarding.

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

Yorkshire Junior Indoor Postal League - February results

Helen Woodcock - 12 March 2024

The February 2024 results of the Junior Archers Postal League have been published:
 YAA Junior Indoor results February 2024 (PDF)

The YAA will be running the Yorshire Junior Archers Postal League over the winter of 2023 to 2024.

You need to shoot a Portsmouth round in each month from November 2023 to March 2024, inclusive, and mail the results to the YAA Juniors Officer at:

The best 3 scores from 5 will be used to determine final placings.

Scores are to be sent no later than the 10th of the following month.

Here is the score submission form and more details:
 YAA Junior Indoor Postal League 2023-24 score submission form (DOC)
This form can be used to submit scores for multiple juniors in a club.

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

Yorkshire Junior Indoor Postal League - January results

Helen Woodcock - 8 February 2024

The January 2024 results of the Junior Archers Postal League have been published:
 YAA Junior Indoor results January 2024 (PDF)

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

Yorkshire Junior Indoor Postal League - December results

Helen Woodcock - 11 January 2024

The December 2023 results of the Junior Archers Postal League have been published:
 YAA Junior Indoor results December 2023 (PDF)

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

Yorkshire Junior Indoor Postal League - November results

Helen Woodcock - 21 December 2023

The November 2023 results of the Junior Archers Postal League have been published:
 YAA Junior Indoor results November 2023 (PDF)

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

Yorkshire Junior Indoor Postal League 2023-2024

Helen Woodcock - 13 October 2023

The YAA will be running the Yorkshire Junior Archers Postal League over the winter of 2023 to 2024.

You need to shoot a Portsmouth round in each month from November 2023 to March 2024, inclusive, and mail the results to the YAA Juniors Officer at:

The best 3 scores from 5 will be used to determine final placings.

Scores are to be sent no later than the 10th of the following month.

Here is the score submission form and more details:
 YAA Junior Indoor Postal League 2023-24 score submission form (DOC)
This form can be used to submit scores for multiple juniors in a club.

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

National Talent Development Programme North now live and taking entries

Kath Fitzpatrick - 10 September 2023

The National Talent Development Programme entry is now open - details for the North training centre are shown below. This is an Archery GB Pathway programme for archers under 20 and booking is via Sport 80.

You can find out more about the programme by contacting the Pathway Manager Cait Leach, details below, or Lead Coach Kath Fitzpatrick at kath@arrowhawks.co.uk / 07590 466907.

Sessions follow a common programme across all the training centres, with registration being for all four sessions as advertised. Entries close on October 10th.

Kath Fitzpatrick
Coach Developer, Archery GB

 01226 218518
 07590 466907

National Talent Development Programme Juniors 2023

Kath Fitzpatrick - 7 August 2023

The Archery GB National Talent Development Programme will be delivered in the north by Arrowhawks Archery Academy in York. Juniors under 20 years old who are keen to improve are encouraged to sign up.

Please see this document for more information:
 National Talent Development Programme Juniors 2023 (PDF)

Kath Fitzpatrick
Coach Developer, Archery GB

 01226 218518
 07590 466907

Yorkshire Juniors 2023-2024

Helen Woodcock - 30 July 2023

We have realigned, redesigned and restructured the Yorkshire Junior sessions for 2023-24 in accordance with Archery GB's archer talent development and performance pathways to give an exciting new programme of activities specifically designed to promote enjoyment, enhance skill development and engage young archers in Yorkshire.

If your club is interested in hosting one of the sessions please contact Helen on:

The proposed dates for 2023-24 are:
 Saturday 2nd September 2023 at Pennine Archers
 Saturday 28th October 2023
 Saturday 18t November 2023
 Saturday 9th December 2023
 Saturday 6th January 2024
 Saturday 3rd February 2024
 Saturday 2nd March 2024

All sessions run from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM.

If you want attend any of these sessions, please email Helen. There is no charge for any of these sessions for young archers in Yorkshire.

Coaches from around the county are also welcome to attend and support their junior members.

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

Archery GB junior rankings

Helen Woodcock - 5 June 2023

I have been asked about the AGB Junior Rankings.

The information you need can be found here:
 Archery GB: National Archery Rankings

Just scroll down the page to find the bit about juniors.

You need 3 scores: 1 from a 12 dozen round and 2 from either 720 rounds OR 12 dozen rounds. They should be shot at the age appropriate distance or above at record status events. If you only have one or two scores you can still be included as the missing scores will be given a maximum handicap. If you shot at Wetherby this weekend you already have 1 or 2 scores.

If you have any questions please drop an email to  yaajuniors@yahoo.com and I will do my best to help.

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

Calling all Yorkshire Juniors

Helen Woodcock - 3 September 2022

The Yorkshire Junior Sessions are back at Pennine Archers for this winter. There will be the usual mix of coaching, fitness work, and fun as well as opportunities to get to know other juniors in the county. Also, time and space for parents to share information and ask questions.

As always all juniors in Yorkshire are welcome to join us, as are coaches from across the county. Different coaches will lead each session, working together to provide a variety of developmental activities, including input from Lloyd Brown and Rob Andrews from Archery GB. You just need to email Helen on:

Also, as always, there is no charge to attend - these sessions are supported by the county committee.

All sessions run from 10:00 AM til 1:00 PM. All dates are Saturdays.

 24th September (this is the week before the Intercounties tournament and an excellent opportunity for the selected team (and those who would like to be considered in the future) to get to know each other better.
 5th November 2022
 3rd December 2022
 7th January 2023
 4th February 2023
 4th March 2023
 1st April 2023

We look forward to seeing as many of the juniors as possible.

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

YAA Junior sessions at Pennine Archers

Helen Woodcock - 2 November 2021

We now have dates for some junior sessions to be held at Pennine Archers in Linthwaite.

As always they are free for juniors to attend and all are welcome so please spread the word amongst any juniors you know.

We also welcome coaches from other clubs who are interested so please ask them to let us know if they want to attend (and help) or if your club is interested in hosting one of the sessions.

All dates are Saturdays 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM:
 13th November 2021
 18th December 2021
 29th January 2022
 12th February 2022
 5th March 2022
 9th April 2022

Please let me know if you are able to be there so we know how many to plan for.

Helen Woodcock
YAA Junior Organiser
Honorary Secretary, Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers
 Pennine Archers

Arrowhawks dates for winter 2021-22

Kath Fitzpatrick - 25 September 2021

Arrowhawks Archery Academy has announced the indoor training dates from October 2021 to March 2022.

The sessions will be at Haxby Scouts in York on York Road, YO32 3DY.

For full details, please see this document:
 Arrowhawks winter dates (PDF)

Kath Fitzpatrick
Talent Pathway Coach

 01226 218518
 07590 466907

Virtual Tournament for Arrowhawks and NTDP North archers

Kath Fitzpatrick- 12 August 2020

Arrowhawks Archery Academy have set up an online virtual tournament for archers participating in Arrowhawks and the National Talent Development Programme North. The round is a 360 - three dozen arrows at the longest metric distance for the archer's age group, with 10-zone scoring.

The first tournament was held in July, from the 18th to the 26th - results below:
 Arrowhawks Virtual 360 Competition July 2020 results (PDF)

Another competition is now being held in August 2020. Archers are invited to submit their best score for a 360 round at their longest metric distance.

Kath Fitzpatrick
Arrowhawks Archery Academy

 01226 218518
 07590 466907


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