
 YAA and NCAS affiliation status of clubs 2024-2025
 YAA and NCAS affiliation fees and process 2024-2025
 The YAA constitution
 Policies, procedures, documentation etc
 Policies, procedures, documentation etc
 Eligibility criteria for Yorkshire Archery Tournament awards
 AGB direct members and YAA/NCAS membership
 Special requirements at YAA shoots
 Coach qualification grants
 YAA contributions to costs
 The Yorkshire Award
 Selection for county teams
 Data Protection Act
 AGB equity policy

YAA and NCAS affiliation status of clubs 2024-2025

YAA have committed to providing an update to its members in respect of clubs that have affiliated to YAA and Northern Counties for each new affiliation year. The list will be updated every 2 weeks when there are changes to be made.

The following clubs have paid affiliation fees to YAA and NCAS for the year 2024-2025 as at 18 December 2024:
 Aardwolf Archers
 Abbeydale Archers
 Aire Valley Archers
 All Abilities Archers
 Archers of Bridlington and Burton Agnes
 Archers of East Riding
 Arrowhawks Archery Academy
 Barnsley Archery Club
 Barnsley YMCA Archers
 Blackridge Archery
 Blue Light Archers
 Bowmen of Adel
 Bowmen of Leeds
 Bowmen of St Mary's
 Bridlington Bay Archers
 Bronte Archers
 Burton Constable Company of Bowmen
 Chantry Bowmen of Rotherham
 Cobra Archers
 Danum Archers
 Dearne Valley Archery Club
 De Notton Bowers
 East Park Archers
 Ebor Archers
 Harthill Company of Archers
 Harvester Archers
 Leven Archery Club
 Nova Bowmen
 Panda Bowmen
 Pennine Archers
 Phoenix Bowmen
 Savile Bowmen
 Scarborough Archers
 Scorton Archers
 Selby Archers
 Sheffield SRSB Archers
 South Leeds Archers
 South Yorkshire Police Archery Club
 St George's Archery Club
 Targeting Archery Club
 Thirsk Bowmen
 Valley Bowmen of Huddersfield
 The Wakefield Archers
 University of Bradford Archers
 University of Huddersfield Archery Club
 University of Leeds Archers
 University of Sheffield Archery Club
 University of York Archery Club
 Whitby Company of Archers
 Wolds Archers
 Wyke Archers
 York Archers Society

Please note that this does not guarantee that any club has paid your specific fees; if you wish to confirm that your fees have been paid then contact your membership secretary.

Gwen Smith
YAA Treasurer

YAA and NCAS affiliation fees and process 2024-2025

Affiliation fees are due from the 1st October 2024 for all Yorkshire clubs. Please note that these should be paid in addition to the Archery GB fees collected through Sport 80. As last year a list of clubs who have affiliated for the 2024-25 year will be issued every 2 weeks after the 1st October. Any club or individual that has not paid affiliations by 30th November will be deemed to be un-affiliated to county and region until payment is received.

The YAA fees have remained unchanged for 2024-25. Archery GB affiliation fees have been increased for the subscription year 2023-24 (please take careful note of the increased amounts when collecting from club members). The NCAS fees have not changed.

The full details of the 2024-2025 AGB/YAA/NCAS affiliation fees, payable from 1st October 2024 are shown in the table below:

 YAA FeesNCAS FeesArchery GB Fees
Senior over 21 (per person)£4.00£2.00£60.00
Junior U 21 (per person)£0.40£0.20£20.00
Archer with disabilities (per person)£0.40£0.20£20.00
School club (bloc fee)
Note Option for YAA/NCAS to pay per person as above.
University club (bloc fee)£25.00£20.00£200.00

As a result of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) the committee reviewed the level of information required by YAA at reaffiliation and affiliation.

It was agreed that a member's name and category of membership (i.e. Senior, Junior etc) is sufficient for the purposes of processing the affiliation. This information is provided by the sport80 registration invoice - if this is sent to the YAA along with the appropriate fee (either cheque or BACS transfer) it will enable the affiliation fees to be processed.

In addition a summary of fees within each category payable to YAA and NCAS is required. An example summary is provided below:

  Category    No    YAA    NCAS    TOTAL  
Senior3£12 (3 @ £4)£6 (3 @ £2)£18
Junior2£0.80 (2 @ 40p)£0.40 (2 @ 20p)£1.20

Fees can be paid by bank transfer (contact the YAA treasurer for bank details) or by cheque. If bank transfer is used it is acceptable to email the sport80 registration invoice and membership summary. Please note that affiliation is not processed until member details and payment is received either by cheque or bank transfer.

Please send to:
    Gwen Smith
    11 Park View Road
    South Yorkshire
    S75 6LD

If you have any questions about the YAA fee structure for 2023-24 please contact Gwen Smith, YAA Treasurer, on:

Gwen Smith
YAA Treasurer

The YAA constitution

The YAA constitution, last amended in March 2024, can be found via the link below:
 YAA constitution, March 2024 (PDF)

Policies, procedures, documentation etc

The Yorkshire Archery Association adheres to the policies of Archery GB.

Policies and related information will be added to this page. In the meantime, please contact the county secretary if you require specific information about policies.

Eligibility criteria for Yorkshire Archery Tournament awards

Under the Archery GB Shooting Related Laws (SAP8), the County finds it necessary to set out its eligibility criteria for its own Championship titles and other awards.

The Yorkshire Archery committee has discussed and decided that the following will apply in relation to any County Tournament titles or awards issued at any tournament which it organises.

As agreed at the YAA Committee meeting on 11 January 2020, the YAA Policy will be:

A Yorkshire affiliated archer entering a Yorkshire Archery Association organised tournament is required to shoot under the name of the Club to which the archer pays his/her annual affiliation fees.

Andrew Neal
YAA President

AGB direct members and YAA/NCAS membership

Archery GB has now decided that all clubs and direct members must affiliate to county and region, unless there are exceptional circumstances. See the article "Change of Focus" on page 62 of the Summer 2016 edition of Archery UK, which presents their revised interpretation of Law 22. Affiliation of clubs to county and region has been considered optional for the past few years, and has long been considered optional for direct members, but this has now changed.

The article states: "As of 1 October 2016, except under exceptional circumstances, all clubs and all Archery GB members (including Direct Members) will be expected to join their county and region."

To do this, direct members should send their details (name, address, telephone number, e-mail, AGB number) accompanied by the appropriate YAA/NCAS subscription fees (see above) to the County Treasurer:

    Gwen Smith
    11 Park View Road
    South Yorkshire
    S75 6LD

Their affiliation will be acknowledged and confirmed by letter.

All YAA correspondence to clubs (newsletters, AGM papers etc) will be available via the YAA website.

The cheque should cover both the YAA and NCAS subscriptions and be made payable to "Yorkshire Archery Association" or "YAA".

Special requirements at YAA shoots

The YAA has researched its obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and considered its responsibilites to disabled and able-bodied archers. The frequent difficulty in obtaining volunteers for work parties has been factored into the considerations. The following policies have been adopted:
 For indoor competitions organised by the YAA, if the Organiser is notified on entry that the disabled archer requires to stay on the shooting line after shooting their arrows, this will be permitted. If the disabled archer requires assistance in collecting and scoring their arrows this will be permitted, but it is up to the archer to arrange this assistance themselves.
 For outdoor competitions organised by the YAA, if the Organiser is notified that the disabled archer requires to stay on the shooting line after shooting their arrows, this will be arranged by only allocating 3 archers to that particular target. If the disabled archer requires assistance in collecting and scoring their arrows this will be permitted, but it is up to the archer to arrange this assistance themselves.

Coach qualification grants


At the September 2023 Committee Meeting, the YAA Committee reviewed the YAA Coach Qualification Grant Policy. A request was made for the January 2017 Policy to be amended, to issue Coach Qualification Grants in two parts: an initial amount on the coach beginning coach training, and a final amount on their qualification.

In line with the paragraph from the original May 2014 Policy, but updated in terms of dates and the new names of coach qualification, this revised Policy will take effect from October 2023 for Coaches qualifying as Session, Development, Programme Coach (Level 3) and Senior Coach. Applications for grants from Coaches qualifying at these levels in the 12 months prior to this date will be accepted. No applications for grants will be accepted for any Coach qualification achieved more than 12 months prior to the grant request.

In future, retrospective applications will be accepted for Coach Qualification Grants from Coaches qualifying in the current and previous Calendar Years only.

The date of course completion will be taken as the date of the issue of the Coach Qualification Certificate.

This Policy will be reviewed throughout the year, with a view to not exceeding the maximum budget set by the Committee each year at the January Committee Meeting. If the amount claimed during any year, is greater than the budget set, this Grant Scheme may be withdrawn with immediate effect.

Grant Conditions

As with all YAA Grants, all applications will be considered on merit by the YAA Committee, giving due consideration to the state of the Associations circumstances and finances at the time of considering the application.

The grant is only available to coaches affiliated to the YAA, either through their club or direct, and who operate as Coaches in the YAA area.

The application for a Coach Qualification Grant must be made on the application form below and must be accompanied by a COPY of the Coach Qualification Certificate or evidence of enrolment as appropriate. The completed application should be sent to the YAA Treasurer at the address shown below.  Applications via e-mail are acceptable, providing the proper evidence is attached.

With effect from September 2023, these are the levels of grant available.

Fully funded candidates
Where a candidate is fully funded from another source, e.g. own club pays all costs, the candidate shall receive an achievement award from YAA on successful completion of the course. The achievement award shall be £30 for all coach levels.

Partial or non-funded candidates
Where a candidate is either not funded from another source or partially funded from another source, e.g. own club pays travel expenses, the candidate shall receive a grant from YAA as follows:
 Session Coach - £20.00 on enrolment and £30.00 on completion
 Development Coach - £45.00 on enrolment and £30.00 on completion
 Program Coach - £70.00 on enrolment and £30.00 on completion
 Senior Coach - £70.00 on enrolment and £30.00 on completion

Application form:
 Application form, January 2024 revision (DOCX)

Gwen Smith
YAA Treasurer

YAA contributions to costs

YAA members (archers, judges or coaches etc) may apply to the YAA for a contributory grant towards the cost of expenses incurred attending events abroad where the member is representing their country.

YAA judges and coaches may apply to the YAA for a contributory grant towards the cost of expenses incurred attending conferences (within the region or nationally).

Applications are normally to be submitted prior to the event, in writing to the Committee, through the County Treasurer, Judge Liaison Officer or County Coaching Organiser. Applications after the event may be accepted in exceptional circumstances.

Each application to be made on the approved YAA Application Form, which will require the applicant to supply some details of anticipated costs of the event to them.

Each grant will normally be limited to £50 per application. There is no limit to the number of applications which may be submitted and all applications will be considered on merit by the YAA Committee, giving due consideration to the state of the Association's circumstances and finances at the time of considering the application.

 Funding application form (Word version)
 Funding application form (PDF version)

Gwen Smith
YAA Treasurer

The Yorkshire Award

At the 2007 AGM it was agreed to establish THE YORKSHIRE AWARD. The YAA Committee considered the introduction, criteria and design of such an award during 2006 and 2007, and are now in a position to promote THE YORKSHIRE AWARD and to seek nominations for recipients from Yorkshire Clubs.

The rationale behind the development of such an award was that we have a need of an award on the same lines as the Award of Merit to be aimed at club level. The Award of Merit is a prestigious award for enduring dedication to the county but possibly out of reach of the majority of club level archers.

It was decided to have a prestigious award where clubs can nominate individuals or couples who, in the eyes of their club, deserve recognition for services to that particular club. It was agreed that there would be no set deadline for submission of nominations, but that presentations of The Yorkshire Award should be made where possible at the Yorkshire AGM, or either the Indoor or Outdoor Championships.

The YAA Constitution now states:

Clause 28 - The Yorkshire Award

The Yorkshire Award shall be presented by the General Committee to a Yorkshire Archer or couple (who are affiliated member(s) of the Association) who/which has done exemplary work within or on behalf of their particular club, over a number of years. Nominations for The Yorkshire Award, from clubs, should be sent in writing to the Association's Secretary, accompanied by a citation, for consideration by the Committee.

The nomination and citation form can be downloaded by following the link below:
 Yorkshire Award Nomination and Citation Form (DOCX)

Yvonne Dyal, YAA Hon. Secretary

Selection for county teams

There have been several cases where an archer has been selected to shoot for Yorkshire and has had to pull out. This is not a problem where the YAA has been informed of the archer's absence in time for a replacement to be arranged, but is a serious problem where the YAA is not informed and only finds out when the archer fails to turn up for the tournament.

The YAA has decided that any archer who lets us down in this way will not be considered for selection for the next 12 months. This will not apply where the archer has given advance notice of absence, or where there's a genuine reason why notice couldn't be given.

Data Protection Act

Dave Phillips, YAA Secretary, sent a letter out to all YAA club secretaries on the 21st January 2006. This expressed his concerns about the responsibilities, actions and limitations of the YAA with respect to the Data Protection Act. The letter included a form by which club secretaries could consent to the use of their contact details in carefully proscribed circumstances.

Only around half of all club secretaries responded to this initial mailing. Consequently, the lists issued by the YAA to club secretaries exclude the contact details of many club secretaries. If you want to have your details restored to this list, please contact Dave Phillips and complete the DPA form.

The necessary form (in Word format) can be downloaded by following the link below:
 Data Protection Act agreement form

AGB equity policy

Archery GB aims to ensure that all people, irrespective of their age, gender, ability, race, nationality, religion, ethnic origin, creed, colour, social status or sexual orientation, have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in archery at all levels and in all roles. That is, as a beginner, participant or performer, and as a coach, official, manager, administrator, employee or spectator; with respect, integrity, justice, democracy and fairness at all levels, within their area of control or influence; subject to the Laws of the Country in force at the time.

It is the aim of Archery GB to ensure that all present and potential members/employees of Archery GB receive fair treatment and to provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone.

It is also the aim of Archery GB in its relationships with its members/employees and in the provision of its services, not to disadvantage any individual by imposing any conditions or requirements that cannot be fully justified.

In pursuance of this policy, Archery GB may take special measures/positive action in favour of any group that is currently under represented in its membership, representative bodies or workforce.

In this Archery GB recognises its legal obligations of the following acts:

 Race Relations Act 1976
 Equal Pay Act 1970
 Sex Discrimination Acts 1975, 1986 and 1999
 Disability Discrimination Act 1995
 Rehabilitation Act 1974
 Human Rights Act 1998
 Any later amendments to the above Acts of future Acts or Legislation that are relevant to the Society.

In pursuance of this policy, Archery GB reserves the right to discipline any of its members/employees who practise any form of discrimination on the grounds of a persons age, gender, ability, race, nationality, religion, ethnic origin, creed, colour, social status or sexual orientation. Subject at all times to Archery GB Disciplinary Procedure, Child Protection Policy and Codes of Conduct, which should be read in conjunction with this policy.

Archery GB will put in place a complaints procedure to deal with complaints or allegations made against any member, coach, official, manager, administrator or employee.

Archery GB is committed to signing the Racial Equality Charter for Sport, which is a public pledge signed by National Governing Bodies of sport to outlaw racial discrimination of any kind, subject to being within their area of control or influence. Archery GB will endeavour to achieve racial equality within archery.

Archery GB will monitor and evaluate this policy on an ongoing basis and inform the members/employees of its impact.

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