Thomas Keane - 6 March 2025
YAA Coaching has organised a face-to-face Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop. This will be delivered by UK Coaching, and attendees will receive a certificate on completion. This is for anyone in need of a course for renewal or a new certificate.
This workshop has been organised to provide coaches with the Safeguarding certificate they need for their coach licence - however, this can be attended by anyone. Any club Welfare Officers, committee members, or any club volunteers looking for face-to-face safeguarding training are more than welcome to book.
This will be held on Sunday 13th April, 10:00 start, to finish at 13:00.
The workshop will be held at East Thirsk Community Hall, Hambleton Place, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 1SL.
The cost for this is £20 per person (subsidised by YAA Coaching).
To book a place, please email the CCO on:
The closing date for bookings will be Saturday 5th April.
If you have any questions at all about this workshop, please don't hesitate to contact the CCO.
Thomas Keane
County Coaching Officer
Thomas Keane - 19 April 2024
YAA Coaching has organised a face-to-face Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop. This will be delivered by UK Coaching, and attendees will receive a certificate. This is for anyone in need of a course for renewal or a new certificate.
This workshop has been organised to provide coaches with the Safeguarding certificate they need for their coach licence - however, this can be attended by anyone. Any club Welfare Officers, committee members, or any club volunteers looking for face-to-face safeguarding training are more than welcome to book.
This will be held on Sunday 5th May, 10:00 start, to finish at 13:00.
The course will be held at Selby Archers' indoor venue - Sandhill Lane, Selby, YO8 4JP.
The cost for this is £20 per person.
To book a place, please email the CCO on:
The closing date for bookings will be Monday 29th April.
If you have any questions at all about this workshop, please don't hesitate to contact the CCO.
Thomas Keane
County Coaching Officer
Thomas Keane - 19 March 2024
The next session of the YAA Coaches Forum will be held on Saturday the 30th March, starting at 1:00 PM and finishing around 4:00 PM. It will be hosted by Arrowhawks in Haxby (Haxby Scout Centre, York Road, Haxby YO32 3DY).
These forums are a great opportunity for coaches to come together to discuss and explore coaching issues and share ideas.
All coaches of all levels are welcome. It would be great to see you there. This event will qualify for CPD points.
If you would like to join in, please email Kath on:
If there is anything you would like included on the agenda, please let Kath know in your email.
Thomas Keane
County Coaching Officer
Thomas Keane - 18 January 2024
YAA has a fund to help towards the costs of coach training and all coaches can apply for this grant. The fund was reviewed and updated at the end of 2023, and a new grant application form has been produced. Instead of the grant just being available on completion of a course, the amount is divided into two parts - one being awarded on beginning coach training, and the second on completion.
Here is the new scheme being offered by YAA.
Fully funded candidates
Where a candidate is fully funded from another source, e.g. own club pays all costs, the candidate shall receive an achievement award from YAA on successful completion of the course. The achievement award shall be £30 for all coach levels.
Partial or non-funded candidates
Where a candidate is either not funded from another source or partially funded from another source, e.g. own club pays travel expenses, the candidate shall receive a grant from YAA as follows:
Session Coach - £20.00 on enrolment and £30.00 on completion
Development Coach - £45.00 on enrolment and £30.00 on completion
Program Coach - £70.00 on enrolment and £30.00 on completion
Senior Coach - £70.00 on enrolment and £30.00 on completion
To apply for a grant, please contact the CCO. Evidence of enrolment and of successful completion must be provided. Enrolment payment will only be made on application to the county treasurer and must be endorsed by the County Coaching Organiser.
The updated Coaching Qualification Grant Application form is available here.
Application form, January 2024 revision (DOCX)
These grants are in place to help coaches with the costs of training, so please make the most of them.
Thomas Keane
County Coaching Officer
Thomas Keane - 2 October 2023
The next session of the YAA Coaches Forum will be held on Saturday the 28th of October, starting at 2:00 PM and finishing around 4:30 PM. It will be hosted by Pennine Archers at Colne Valley Business Park, Linthwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5QG.
These forums are a great opportunity for coaches to come together to discuss and explore coaching issues and share ideas.
All coaches are welcome. It would be great to see you there. This event will qualify for CPD points.
If you would like to join in, please email Helen on:
If there is anything you would like included on the agenda, please let Helen know in your email.
Pennine Archers are hosting a YAA Juniors session in the morning (10am start) and coaches are welcome to attend, then stay for the forum in the afternoon. Please just let Helen know if you would like to do this.
Thomas Keane
County Coaching Officer
Thomas Keane - 26 June 2023
The third meeting of the YAA Coaches Forum will be hosted by Thirsk Bowmen on Saturday 8th July, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The venue is the East Thirsk Community Hall, Hambleton Place, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 1SL.
It would be great to see you there. To book for this event, please contact Thomas Keane:
If there is anything you would like to be discussed, please include this in your email and it will be added to the agenda.
We will look forward to hopefully seeing you there.
Thomas Keane
County Coaching Officer
Thomas Keane - 19 May 2023
I would just like to ensure that all coaches in the county are aware of the requirements of Safeguarding training.
It is now mandatory for Archery GB licensed coaches to complete tutor-led safeguarding training as part of their licence, and this should be renewed every 3 years. This is in line with guidance from UK Coaching and Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU).
This safeguarding training MUST be tutor-led, either an online or face-to-face classroom. Full details about Archery GB Safeguarding can be found on the AGB website, the link here will take you straight to the relevant page:
Archery GB - Safeguarding Training
Tutor-led courses can be found on your Sport80 portal, in the 'courses' section. Here you will find a number of safeguarding workshops, run by UK Coaching, which have an Archery GB discount. These can be booked on your portal, and there are courses taking place on 28th June, 12th July, 26th July, 9th August and 23th August 2023.
If a face-to-face safeguarding workshop would be prefered, YAA can organise one of these if there is sufficient interest in the county. If this would be of interest to you and your coaches, please let me know.
Thomas Keane
County Coaching Officer
Yvonne Stead - 1 October 2022
I am pleased to advise that the NCAS Coaches Conference is open for bookings.
Northern Counties Archery Society
Annual Coaching Conference 2022
Media City, Salford, Manchester
Sunday 6th November 2022
With a theme of Participation and Performance, this full day event will have relevant content for archery coaches of all grades. It will include a practical session on coaching (from beginner onwards) an archer with visual impairment, a forum on engagement with schools and club coach succession planning. All of these elements will have NCAS coaches sharing experiences of good practice. We will have archery GB staff in attendance presenting on latest thinking on strength and conditioning, how coaches learn and a Pathway 101 session, explaining how to support your most ambitious archers. Finally, we will be recording an exclusive Q&A with one of the world's top target-sports psychologists (someone who has coached mental toughness to countless Olympians) for showing on the day.
Places can be booked, available on a first-come, first-served basis. CPD points can be claimed for attendance.
Book online through Eventbrite:
NCAS Coaching Conference 2022 (Eventbrite)
Yvonne Stead
Regional Development Officer - NCAS
Kath Fitzpatrick - 8 September 2021
I am pleased to say that Archery GB is recommencing the National Talent Development Programme. The Northern area will be hosted by Arrowhawks Archery Academy at Haxby, York.
The first two dates are now confirmed as October 17th and December 12th.
We will be delighted to see any returning athletes as well as new ones, recurve or compound.
Booking places will be through Sport 80 they should be listed under Events.
To help us plan our coach numbers, if you do intend to book a place, I would be grateful if you could let me know. Please feel free to pass this information on to other juniors (under 20) and to contact me if you need any further information, or see our Facebook page:
Facebook: NTDP North
Archery GB information on the programme is shown below.
Archery GB Performance Pathway
The aim of our programmes is to support the development of athletes through an environment of sporting and professional excellence. The development of athletes' physical, mental, and technical performance attributes are key themes within our programmes, enabling Britain's future archers to maximise their talents leading ultimately to medal success at senior international championships.
How it works
The National Talent Development Programme (NTDP) is fully inclusive. All young athletes who are keen to improve, including those with disabilities, are actively encouraged to sign up. The NTDP is open for any athlete under the age of 20. From 2018, the programme was also extended to compound archers.
The NTDP is the key connect between the grass roots Talent activity of our sport, including OnTarget Performance Clubs and our HCSC (Home Country Sports Councils) Talent Pathway. We piloted this programme in 2012 and it has been highly successful as a means of defining and refining our Talent pool. It is an inclusive programme, with no criteria to register except age.
Archers attend coaching* and benchmarking days throughout the year and are profiled in August at the end of the cycle. Those demonstrating talent against the "what it takes to win" criteria can be selected to the National Age Group Academy, the induction for which takes place each September.
* in 2021-22 the aim is for sessions to be held every two months between October and April, leaving the competition season clear.
Kath Fitzpatrick
Talent Pathway Coach
01226 218518
07590 466907
Archery GB - 15 March 2021
Coach Licence Renewal
We recognise that coaches work hard to achieve their coaching qualifications, and with that a licence to coach in Archery GB affiliated clubs.
We encourage coaches to remain active and maintain their standards of coaching. However, many people are facing challenging work, personal and financial situations due to COVID and being able to dedicate time to coaching has not been possible. We understand this and want to help make it easier for coaches to return to their role when they are able to without feeling penalised or unfairly treated.
We have received a number of enquiries from coaches and County / Regional Coaching Organisers who are concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on coaching. We have shared our responses to these questions below, to help guide coaches and coaching organisers.
What is Archery GB's priority when it comes to coaching?
This is an unprecedented time and our priority is on supporting coaches in archery to keep doing what they love. Coaching is a great means to connect with others and enjoy a sense of wellbeing, for both the coach and the archer.
Many clubs have experienced a significant loss in membership and so it is crucial that they have recognised coaches who can help them rebuild their membership base. Licensed coaches are needed more than ever to provide have-a-go's, beginner courses, and on-going opportunities to be coached in the club.
How is Archery GB supporting coaches?
In the last year we have had to suspend in person training courses and we have worked hard to provide alternative opportunities for coaches to engage online instead. Many of these opportunities can be considered as 'informal learning' or 'social learning', which doesn't directly result in a qualification being achieved. However, this does not make the learning any less valid!
Our approach is to encourage coaches to engage in all types of learning; formal, informal and social. This is underpinned by our provision of Learning Curve which promotes the community aspect of coaching, and also how we have restructured our coaching courses into modules, which allows coaches to have more control over what topics they learn about and when.
As an example, we have recently launched the Empowering Archery workshop. This is an excellent stand-alone workshop that all volunteers can access and find useful, and it also doubles up as a module towards achieving a coaching qualification. So, by completing Empowering Archery, you will be one step closer to attaining a qualification, if that is what you want to do.
I have not joined Archery GB this year, but plan to in 2021/22. Will my coaching licence still be valid when I re-join?
When you re-join Archery GB next year, your coaching licence can also be reactivated, so that you can continue coaching from where you left off. When you re-join Archery GB please look at your membership profile to check if your coaching licence has lapsed. If it has, simply follow the usual renewal process via your County Coaching Organiser.
I have been able to continue my development as a coach this year, but mainly through online learning. Does this count towards renewal?
Yes! We are really encouraged by the number of coaches who have engaged with online learning opportunities this year. From joining webinars, online workshops or simply engaging in conversations on Learning Curve; many coaches have been active in their personal development during COVID-19.
We encourage coaches to continue their development through online opportunities and submit this as part of their renewal.
I am a licensed coach and have not been able to coach or invest much time into developing my knowledge this year due to COVID-19. Can I still renew my coaching licence at my current grade?
County and Regional Coaching Organisers are responsible for renewing coaches locally. Archery GB asks County and Regional Coaching Organisers to demonstrate absolute flexibility towards coaches renewing their licence in 2021 and 2022, regardless if they meet the usual requirements or not.